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About The Awards

How content is selected and awarded


Best Short Film Award - Celebrate cinematic brilliance! This award honors the most outstanding short film in the main film strand, as voted by the public on our digital platform.


Breakthrough Film Award - Spotlighting emerging talent! This award recognizes the best short film in the early career film strand, chosen by public vote on our digital platform.


Justin John Doherty Indie Spirit Award - A tribute to innovation and passion! Handpicked by the legendary Justin John Doherty, a key pioneer of filmmaking in Luton and co-founder of the acclaimed Filmstock festival, this award celebrates exceptional projects across the festival's film strands.


Best Music Award - Tune into excellence! This award applauds the best music project, as chosen by the public through our digital voting platform.


Best Art Award - Honoring artistic brilliance! This award is given to the best artist project, selected by public vote on our digital platform.


Directors Choice Award - The festival director's top pick! This special award is bestowed upon a project that stands out across all festival strands, chosen by the festival director for its unique impact and deserving recognition beyond the public vote.

Hat Factory Award - Celebrating the vibrant creativity of Luton! This prestigious award honors exceptional talent across all artistic disciplines, showcasing the innovative spirit of our local artists.

Thameslink Art Award - Handpicked by Thameslink, this esteemed award highlights the outstanding excellence in the works of exhibiting artists. 


How final submissions are chosen:


Bute Street Festival is made up of six team members. During the first round of considerations each team member chooses projects that they like and that they feel fit with the Bute Street Programme. Choices are discussed and there are three rounds of eliminations until we reach our restricted and final choices. 


If there is an impasse then the festival director gets the final deciding vote. All decisions are final and we will not enter into discussions about final selections.

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